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Friday, July 18, 2008


In the 24 hours since this time today, over 200,000 acres of rain forest have been destroyed in our world. Fully 13 million tons of toxic chemicals have been released into our environment. Over 45,000 people have died of starvation, 38,000 of them children. And more than 130 plant or animal species have been driven to extinction by the actions of humans. (The last time there was such a rapid loss of species was when the dinosaurs vanished.) And all this just today.

We all do not know where we are heading with this great lost. Our planet where we all live is just crumbling down on us because of our undying desire to enjoy this world.

If we do not make a move then this world is going to be a pigsty.

"We have had our last chance. If we do not devise some greater and more equitable system, Armageddon will be at our door."
-Douglas MacArthur (1880-1964)
September 2, 1945

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