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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Can you undertand the situation?

We are all not very conscious of what we do, and this is a great problem. Every minute there is destruction going on, but we do not care. If we really care about the state of the world, then we would stand and fight for the right. However, most of us do not know what is right and wrong. High percentage of people is ignorant of the truth.

In the Bible it is stated "...Know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

This is very clear and precise because only by knowing the real truth can solve this whole tragic and dilemma.
Currently, we are faced with the most heavy choice of our life is whether to change or not. We must make the choice early before its too late. Consequently, we are offered tons of opportunities to change; nonetheless. we still cling to the old dirty habits.

Subsequently, we think on how we can change; unfortunately, we don't know the right thing to do, so we end up creating more and more problems.

First thing we must do is to ask ourselves, if we are really ready to take any challenges that comes with.
Second, consider and analyze our personal problems because you cannot help someone if you cannot help yourself.
Third, focus and motivation is required.
Fourth, goal and objectives should be set.
Fifth, we must be conservative and self preservative and conscious in what we do.
The last but not the least, we must focus on the solution other than to dwell on the problem.

Consider this factors because this can help a person really change his or her lifestyle. We must understand that it is our lifestyle that's destroying our world.


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